“Intellectual formation and religious formation are two trees of different kinds planted on the same ground, which need to receive equal attention and care for their parallel growth.”

-St. Nektarios of Pentapolis

Fr. Michael’s Musings

Living Life with a Mission
Fr. Michael Tishel Fr. Michael Tishel

Living Life with a Mission

Do we sleep-walk through life, or do we live with a mission?

In today’s Gospel, Jesus withdraws to a separate place with his disciples. In other places in the Gospels, it is clear that he does this in order to rest after a long day of preaching and healing. Rest is important. Jesus is God but he is also fully human.

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The Purpose of School
Fr. Michael Tishel Fr. Michael Tishel

The Purpose of School

Now that Fall Break is behind us, we're really getting serious here at TOA. We're learning our letters, solving math problems, and doing science experiments. But why are we doing all these things? Why can't we just stay home all day and play? If we didn't learn Math, as one of you children said, then we might go to the store and buy something, like a lollipop, which is only $1, and pay $100 for it, because we don't know our numbers.

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