When is TOA open for enrollment?

We are now accepting applications for all grades (K-8) for the 2024-2025 academic school year.

Click here to learn more about the process and to apply today!

What is Orthodox hybrid education?

The three streams of influence which create a truly educated person from an Orthodox perspective are the church, the home, and the school. For education to be transformative, all of these influences should be working as actively as possible on a child’s mind, heart, soul, and body.

In the hybrid model of education, parents are seen as their childrens’ primary educators, and the home is the primary educational environment. That said, the beauty of the hybrid school is that it exists to empower, support, and equip parents to fulfill this sacred vocation in a way that is manageable and even enjoyable given their often busy and hectic schedules.

In the hybrid school model, students meet 2-3 (Tuesdays and Thursdays for us) days per week for in-person classes at the school campus in all the core subjects as well as enrichment classes (art, music, PE, etc). They have the opportunity to experience a robust communal life, a liturgical rhythm, and the invaluable student-teacher relationship that supports and complements their experience at home. The balance of the week is spent at home with their parent(s)/families working on the assignments sent home by their teachers, giving them the crucial hours of face-to-face time with their immediate families that is often lacking in conventional educational models.

The hybrid school acts as a bridge between the church and the home, supporting both and connecting both to one another.

Read an AJC article about the hybrid school model!

Check out our About Hybrids webpage for more information and for hybrid school research links.

How much does tuition cost at TOA?

$325/month for the first child and $310/month for additional siblings, paid over 10 months (Aug-May). This is comparable to other hybrids in the Marietta area offering similar programs.

Are there any financial aid opportunities at TOA?

At the moment, as TOA gets off the ground as a start-up school, we are striving to keep our tuition costs as reasonable as possible, and are unable to offer financial aid (other than sibling discounts) at this time. If you are interested in sending your child, but have a financial need, please contact us and we can try to connect you with potential available resources.

Is TOA right for my child(ren)?

We fully recognize that a hybrid model is not the best fit for all families. That said, we still feel that it’s important for us to encourage families to balance the scale a bit when it comes to the amount of time spent at school, at home, and at church. Statistically, the average child in the state of Georgia spends 35 hrs/wk in school. On average, according to one recent study, children spend a mere 5 hours of face-to-face time at home with their families. And finally, children spend no more than 1-2 hrs/week on average at church. Even if hybrid education is not for you, we encourage you to consider having your children spend a bit more time at home and at church and perhaps a bit less time at school (for extracurriculars etc).

How old does my child need to be to apply?

We are accepting applications from children who are 5 years-old by September 15 for Kindergarten.

How will TOA structure its grades/classes?

We are modeling our classroom structure after Montessori-inspired, multi-grade clusters. As such, we will have 4 classes: K-1, 2-3, 4-5, and Middle School (6-8).

Does TOA have a statement of faith?

At the moment, TOA does not have a separate statement of faith. We adhere to the Nicene Creed of the Orthodox Church, as well as all of the social, ethical, and canonical teachings of the Church as passed down to us by Christ himself, through the apostles, bishops and Tradition of the Church.

Are TOA teachers certified?

While TOA teachers, like most private school educators, are not required to receive teacher certification, the majority of our teachers have extensive pedagogical experience and many are certified in their primary subjects. At a minimum, our teachers are required to be striving in their Christian path, passionate about teaching children to love God, neighbor, and about God's creation, and holding a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in or related to the subject that they will teach.

Is TOA accredited?

While the state of GA does not require private schools to be accredited, we plan to pursue accreditation through the Georgia Accreditation Commission over the course of the next two years. The GAC accredits both traditional (day school) and non-traditional (hybrid) learning centers. In the meantime, we will be maintaining just the same level of academic and ethical rigor as any full accredited school.

When is the beginning and end of the school year?

More information about our 2024-2025 Academic Year Calendar coming soon!

Breaks will generally follow Cobb County Public School schedule, with additional time off during Orthodox Holy Week and Pascha.

Will students be able to participate in the Great Feasts of the Church?

One of the beautiful elements to an Orthodox hybrid school is that students will not only be able to participate in the liturgical life of the Church, but will be actively engaged as singers, chanters, and servers in the services. Participating in the annual liturgical cycle will give students a rich feel for the grace-filled experiences that come with celebrating a feast day in an Orthodox parish.

What is TOA’s technology policy?

We are still working on our tech policy. We believe that all technology is ultimately a tool that can be used for good or for ill depending on the intent of the user. We will strive to teach our students a mature and respectful use of technology, which places any mediated form of communication below that of immediate and direct contact with God, other humans, and God’s creation. We do anticipate asking students to not use handheld devices, personal cell phones and smartwatches during school hours.

Is TOA hiring?

TOA is blessed to have hired an amazing team of teachers so far. We are always interested in establishing connections with potential future educators, enrichment teachers, and short and long-term substitute teachers. Please send your resume, two professional references and a paragraph about why you would like to teach at an Orthodox Hybrid School to office@toamarietta.com.

Do my children have to be Orthodox to enroll?

We are clear about our mission and identity as an Orthodox Christian school. We are striving to integrate our Orthodox Christian faith with every aspect of our lives and educational pursuits. That said, TOA is interested in offering its unique educational experience to both Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike as long as the students and their families are willing and able to adhere to the Orthodox way of life: participating in the Church’s liturgical life (non-sacramentally for non-Orthodox) while at school, and being willing respect our beliefs and practices as much as possible. While we anticipate our student body being composed primarily of Eastern Orthodox Christians, as well as some Oriental Orthodox Christians, we will consider applicants from other (or no) faith traditions on a case-by-case basis.

How is TOA funded?

During the school year we are funding our personnel compensation directly through tuition. We are blessed to have a wonderful facility to use free of charge from the parish.

If you are interested in contributing to TOA, please visit www.tinyurl.com/toavanco

We are in the process of applying for non-profit (501(c)3) status. During the application process, we are under the non-profit status of the parish, while holding a separate account. The school is self-funded, and does not rely on the parish budget.

Please “like” and “share” our FB page! (@toamarietta). And as always please reach out to us at office@toamarietta.com with any questions.

How can I support TOA’s mission?

As a brand-new Orthodox Hybrid School TOA will greatly depend on the TOA family, launch team, staff, teachers, students and their family to make the school a success! Enrolling your child in TOA, volunteering to help when opportunities arise, donating of time, talents and treasures, and most especially your prayers will go a long way in supporting and helping TOA get off to a great start.